Staffordshire Pottery Figure of Benjamin Franklin, named Franklin on base

This large Staffordshire pottery figure of Benjamin Franklin has a white base with the words Franklin moulded in the front. Franklin stands with a mazarine blue jacket and a flower-decorated waistcoat and a tricorne hat under his left arm and a book held in his right. Our ref NY9354-kirx.
Item Details:
Price: $850
Item date: Mid 19th century
Dimensions: Height: 14 1/4 ins Width: 6 1/4 ins Depth: 4 1/4 ins
Condition: The condition is good.
According to the entry for a similar figure at the American Philosophical Society, this ceramic figure is an adaptation of François Marie Suzanne's 1793 terracotta statuette of Benjamin Franklin. Suzanne’s statuette was frequently reproduced with variations of costume and poses.
Seller's Details:
Name: Paul Vandekar
Telephone: +1 212-308-2022
Seller website:

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