Selections from the Hope McCormick Collection of Staffordshire Pottery

Author: Emily Manheim

Published: 1980

Pages: 177 pages

ISBN: ISBN-10: 0960368809 ISBN-13: 9780960368808

Most collections are little more than assemblages of objects that please the owner. Some collections serve only to indicate status. Yet, the making of a collection can be a creative and scholarly act. The pleasures of acquisition and display can be combined with serious purpose. Such is the case with the collection of Mrs. Brooks McCormick of Obadiah Sherratt and contemporary figure groups and related pieces. By bringing together so many examples of the work associated with Obadiah Sherratt, Hope McCormick has created an hospitable environment for the study of this particular category of English ceramics. With such a collection, certain aspects of the material culture and social history of early 19th century England can be clarified. At the same time, subtle relationships (both technological and thematic) within the Staffordshire Potteries can be illuminated. The Hope McCormick Collection’s value as source material is demonstrated in this publication.

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