Staffordshire Spaniels

Author: Adele Kenny

Published: 1997

Publisher: Schiffer

Pages: 144 pages

ISBN: 9780764302169

No Victorian parlour was complete without a Staffordshire Spaniel on the mantel. This text focuses exclusively on these popular Victorian era antiques produced in Staffordshire, England from circa 1840 through to the turn of the century. A detailed look at all of the Spaniel variations, along with the history of this “breed” of Staffordshire figure, and more recent reproductions, is provided and beautifully illustrated with over 285 colour photographs and illustrations. Also included is the historical context into which these Spaniels fit, background on the Staffordshire potteries and canine statuary, moulding processes, decorating techniques, Spaniel types and sizes, tips for collectors, and a helpful glossary. Informative captions offer descriptions, sizes, dates of manufacture, and market values at the time of publication.

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