The Wood Family of Burslem: A brief biography of those of its members who were sculptors, modellers and potters

Author: Frank Falkner and Enoch Wood

Published: 1912

Publisher: Chapman & Hall

Pages: 270 pages

“It is no disparagement to Josiah Wedgwood — the Prince of British Potters — if we suggest that his biographers and many writers on the development of pottery manufacture in England have made so much of his great achievements as to throw into a shade that is hardly just the works and the memory of his contemporaries and immediate followers. Up till quite recently it had become almost an established custom to speak of all the Staffordshire potters who worked in the styles he adopted as his imitators, or worse, and that tendency is not entirely a thing of the past…

Collectors of Staffordshire figures will be delighted to find that Mr. Falkner has succeeded in recovering so many of the actual mould numbers of the Wood figures, an additional means of identification of the utmost value, and we have also to thank him for the interesting and suggestive chapter on Liverpool and the Potteries which puts in clearer perspective the connection between the Staffordshire potters and the Liverpool potters and especially the connection of the Wood family with Liverpool artists.” – source, Introduction, The Wood Family of Burslem, William Burton

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