Large Staffordshire Pearlware Pottery Figure of Ceres or Plenty

This large-scale figure of Ceres or Plenty is a stunning example of Staffordshire pottery. The figure is finely modeled and enamelled in colors, and she stands on a wonderfully decorated marbled plinth. Ceres is the Roman goddess of agriculture, fertility, and motherhood, and she is often depicted holding a flaming torch and a cornucopia. The figure wears a striking yellow robe over a light purple dress decorated with black flowers. In her left hand she holds a flaming torch while in the right she holds a large cornucopia overflowing with fruit and flowers. Our ref NY10281.
Item Details:
Price: $5,500
Item date: Circa 1815
Dimensions: Height: 20.5 ins Width: 7 ins Depth: 5 ins
Condition: The tip of the flaming torch is invisibly restored and there is a minor chip on the cornucopia, otherwise in excellent condition.
Seller's Details:
Name: Paul Vandekar
Telephone: +1 212-308-2022
Seller website:

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