Rare 19th C. Staffordshire Portrait figure titled VOLUNTEER RIFLES (V.RIFLES)

In 1859 Austria demanded the disarmament of Sardinia. This was refused and a French Army advanced to aid the Sardinians. The Austrians were defeated and in 1860 Savoy and Nice were ceded to France. The annexation of the territories by Napoleon III aroused a grave suspicion of his intentions and caused a revival of the Volunteers. By Summer 1860 130,000 had been enrolled, 21,000 of whom were reviewed by Queen Victoria in Hyde Park, London.
Stock Ref: #4778
Item Details:
Price: £345
Item date: Circa 1860
Dimensions: Height: 12 inches
Condition: Neck on right hand soldier repaired and chip on base repaired
Seller's Details:
Name: Barbara Gair
Email: sales@barbaragair.com
Seller listing:
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